Awards and Grants



Pfizer ASPIRE research grant for the project “Improving the psychometric properties of the adult and paediatric versions of the Hemophilia Activity List (HAL and pedHAL) using Rasch analysis”.


CSL-Behring donation for the project “Treatment optimization of haemophilic
arthropathies with Orthopaedic Manual Therapy”.


World federation of Hemophilia 2018 Hemophilia Treatment Centre Twins of the Year Award. Lambert ,N ’ Dogomo Meité, Ibrahima Sanogo, Sébastien Lobet, Eusèbe Adjambri, Stéphane Eeckhoudt and Cedric Hermans. This award recognizes the 5-year collaboration with the hemophilia treatment centre at the Yopougon University Hospital in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire).


EAHAD Research Grant Award. N. Roussel, T. Hilberg, C. Lambert, S. Lobet. “Towards a better understanding of ankle pain in haemophilia patients”.


WFH Clinical Research Grant Program with Dr Kevin Deschamps for the
research project “Quantifying foot biomechanics in haemophilic children with ankle arthropathy through an integrated approach”.


PFIZER ASPIRE Grant with Dr Kevin Deschamps for the research project:
Functional assessment of ankle osteoarthritis in children with haemophilia.


BAYER Early Career Investigator Award for the research project: Functional assessment of ankle osteoarthritis in children with haemophilia.


Heroes in Haemophilia Award, best poster presentation “An innovative approach of functional assessment of haemophilic arthropathy by three-dimensional gait analysis”. Moving Forward in Haemophilia Partnerships in Practice Baxter meeting, La Hulpe, Belgium.


Henri Horoszowski Memorial Award of the World Federation of Haemophilia: Best free paper oral presentation “Impact of haemophilic ankle arthropathy on gait disability: analysis of energetic and mechanical variables”. 11th International Musculoskeletal Congress of the World Federation of Haemophilia, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.


Grant from the Salus Sanguinis Foundation: Force platform software and hardware
update for the gait assessment of patients with haemophilia.


Grant from the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (BSTH). Training in the treatment and joint assessment of patients with Haemophilia at the Royal Women’s Hospital and Royal Children Hospital of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.


Grant from the Saint-Luc Foundation: Training in the treatment and joint assessment of patients with Haemophilia in reference Haemophilia treatment Centres in U.K: Royal Free Hospital in London, Kent-Canterbury Haemophilia Centre and the Regional Haemophilia Reference Centre in Newcastle.